The Millennial Advisory Committee's first year is in the history books, and we have a lot to share!
Join us in June to help shape our policy and program recommendations to City Hall, and to hear directly from Mayor Kenney. Discuss social justice, neighborhood change, and the financial future of our generation with us - and bring a friend (or three).
Breakfast, breakout sessions, and making Philadelphia a better place? Sounds like a perfect Saturday to us.
What can you expect on the big day?
9am - 9:30am: Registration
9:30am - 10:10am: Hear from Mayor Kenney, Director of the Office of Public Engagement Ajeenah Amir, and Chair of the Millennial Advisory Committee Nicole Allen White
10:20am - 11:20am: Breakout Session 1! Hear more from our policy subcommittees focused on social justice, financial futures, and neighborhood change
11:30am - 12:30pm: Breakout Session 2! Hear more from our policy subcommittees focused on social justice, financial futures, and neighborhood change
12:40pm - 1:30pm: Concluding remarks
Breakout Session Descriptions
(1) Are You Smarter than a Baby Boomer? Financial Literacy for Millennials
We have all heard the horror stories: Millennials have no savings, are saddled with thousands of dollars in student debt, and have poor financial management skills. But are Millennials really that hopeless with our finances?
Join the Financial Future subcommittee and financial literacy experts for a game of Financial Literacy Quizzo to test your financial acumen. We’ll talk debt, managing your credit, retirement savings, and more with prizes available for the winning team.
We will finish the session with open Q and A and advice from our experts with tips for keeping your finances in check.
(2) B.Y.O.N: Build Your Own Neighborhood
The saying goes that Philadelphia is city of neighborhoods. What if you were mayor for a day and could design a new neighborhood for millenials? What would it look like? Why would millenials want to live there?
Come to the Neighborhood Change breakout to work with millennials from around the city to build your dream neighborhood. We will share our ideas, identify commonalities, and then discuss practical steps and policy changes to make these visions a reality.
(3) A Community Conversation: Unlocking the Re-Entry Journey
The Social Justice Committee will be holding a community conversation moderated by the Zane Johnson (Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity), with guest speakers Jasmine Heiss (Vera Institute of Justice), Community Organizer LaTonya Myers, Filmmaker El Sawyer, and Bob Listenbee (District Attorney's Office).